News Section

Welcome to the news section of Rademacher & Horst. Find out more about recent court decisions and much more. For questions we are available 24 hours 7 days a week.

For more than twenty years now, we have been representing clients in extradition procedures and international criminal proceedings. We have acquired expertise and experience in two decades and we're trying to improve our expertise every day.

17. Februar 2019

Brexit means no extradition of German citizens to UK

Article 16 II German Basic Law (GG) states that no German may be extradited to a foreign country outside the European Union

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13. Januar 2019

Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court reacts with concern to Polish judicial reform

extradition for prosecution in Poland subject to the condition that the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Poland or a person commissioned by him is entitled to take part in the main trial conducted against the persecuted person and to visit the persecuted person in custody in the event of a conviction

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16. November 2018

Telephone monitoring in extradition procedures

Court was concerned with establishing the scope of its own substantive jurisdiction covering measures of telecommunications surveillance in extradition cases.

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23. Oktober 2018

Karlsruhe - on the extradition of German nationals

obstacle  if an investigation procedure should have been  carried out by the  prosecutor against the  German national 

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23. Oktober 2018

Karlsruhe on the extradition of German nationals

Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court on the extradition of German nationals

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Zeige 1 - 5 von 29 Artikel


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