Dr. Martin Rademacher & Lars Horst, LL.M. 
are acknowledged as highly experienced extradition lawyers in Germany, paying great attention to detail and displaying a thorough understanding of their subject.

available 24/7 at the email address extradition.lawyer@protonmail.com

  Extradition Proceedings

Extradition is the official process by which one nation or state requests and obtains from ...

   Extradition - PDF

  Procedura de extradare

Cererile de extradare sosite datorita intentarii unui proces Autor: Avocat Doctor in Drept ...

   Extradare - PDF


Postepowanie ekstradycyjne (tymczasowe wydanie) jest postepowaniem ...

   Ekstradycja - PDF


Процедура выдачи (экстрадиция) — это формальное делопроизводство, согласно ...

   экстрадиция - PDF

Specialized in extradition proceedings

In the legal field of extradition proceedings in Germany we look forward to comparing our success rate with the best lawfirms in Europe.

In Germany, we have successfully defended an exceptionally large number of clients against judicial extradition proceedings and have also successfully challenged so many court decisions before the German Federal Constitutional Court.

For more than 20 years we have been defending our clients in Germany against unjustified extraditions to other states. Since more than 20 years, we have been dealing exclusively with extradition proceedings, international legal assistance in criminal matters and criminal defence.

Courts around the world show a tendency to comply with extradition requests from other states. Those who are affected by this as individuals must defend themselves. This is where we make our experience available.

Due to our specialization in extradition, international and European arrest warrants, we are always up to date with the case law of the German Higher Regional Courts, the Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights and can pursue every promising aspect. Our successful defense against extradition requests is backed by our many years of experience and track record and our network of contacts with lawyers around the world.

International Arrest Warrant

Rule number 1: Ask the lawyer you want to hire to defend you against extradition in detail about his / her specific experience. Experience cannot be invented. 

Rule number 2: Regardless of where the extradition request comes from, the last word is not spoken before the courts have decided.

We fight for your rights as an individual. If necessary, we can go through all instances for you right up to the European Court of Human Rights.

Rule number 3: Your lawyer has to look for the earliest possible success and never give up.

We never give up and keep fighting until we get a result. That can mean working late into the night and not skipping any extra mile. 

Throughout Germany, we have handled extradition proceedings at the General Prosecutor's Offices and Higher Regional Courts in

Bremen, Hamm, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Munich, Bamberg, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, Celle, Berlin, Nürnberg, Koblenz, Brandenburg, Oldenburg, Naumburg, Jena, Hamburg, Rostock and Zweibrücken.

We have in many cases stopped extradition with decisions from the German Federal Constitutional Court.



European Arrest Warrant

Extradition on the basis of a European arrest warrant is not imperative. In many cases, it fails because of desolate detention conditions in other European states and other obstacles to extradition or because of formal requirements. Extradition of German nationals is only possible to a limited extent.



Act proactively ...

Foreign arrest warrant? - Anyone who suspects that an arrest warrant from abroad is being issued should not just wait and see but take precautions.

We have developed legal strategies that can effectively protect you from detention in Germany. Our concept has proven itself many times now. Proactive action is the best way to protect you. Let us provide you with advice.




Extradition proceedings, the long arm, even of the unjust

In extradition proceedings in Germany we are confronted with states whose human rights standards are actually low enough to disappear. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) therefore established in 1989 the special responsibility of European courts for persecuted persons in extradition proceedings.




Constitutional complaint in extradition proceedings

In Germany, the constitutional complaint to the Federal Constitutional Court in extradition proceedings is the last appeal. It is regularly lodged in a great hurry at a time when extradition is imminent and the constitutional complaint must therefore be accompanied by an application for a temporary injunction.



We work hard to be successful on your behalf ...

German Federal Constitutional Court on extradition

September 15, 2024 - Successful practice - Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court 2 BvR 1694/23 and others in 2023, namely - 2 BvR 1368/23 - and - 2 BvR 1838/22 -. Extradition for the purpose of prosecution or execution of a sentence.

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the 2nd chance in the extradition procedure

31.12.2024 – take advantage of the 2nd chance in good time – when can a new decision by the German Higher Regional Court on the admissibility of the extradition be requested?

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extradition to Ukraine: status quo at German higher regional courts

extradition to Ukraine

December 06, 2024 - extradition Ukraine - successful appeal for release from custody 


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German extradition lawyer fights INTERPOL

08. 02. 2023 - INTERPOL has confirmed the deletion of a Red Notice from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). 

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extradition lawyer fights extradition to Oman

04. 03. 2023 - arrested at the asirport - Frankfurt/Main Attorney General's Office has refused to extradite U.S. citizen to the Sultanate of Oman. 

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extradition lawyer fights INTERPOL

18. 03. 2023 - INTERPOL has confirmed the deletion of a Red Notice from Iran and Diffusion from Lithuania

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arrest of the traveler at the the airport in Frankfurt/Main

Arrest at German airport - trends in extradition proceedings

23. 03. 2023 - arrest of the traveler at the German airport -  INTERPOL or SIS II - few encouraging new trends in extradition law - Frankfurt Higher Regional Court declared extradition to Greece inadmissible 

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best defence at the origin of the search in Germany

Defence against extradition to Germany

28. 03. 2023 - successful defence against the European Public Prosecutor's Office - Munich court suspends arrest warrant

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arrest at a German airport

21. 02. 2023 - avoiding mistakes during a police arrest at the airport in Germany

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no extradition to Italy

08. 05. 2023 - judgment in absentia in Italy - Higher Regional Court of Hamm rejected the extradition of a Greek living in Germany

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no extradition to Japan

07. 07. 2021 - we prevented extradition from Germany to Japan

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Extradition lawyer on good year end

30.12. 2020 - We had to wait two years for the German Federal Constitutional Court`s decision, which finally overturned an extradition decision of the Celle Higher Regional Court on my constitutional complaint. 

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Berlin Higher Regional Court revokes extradition warrant

extradition obstacle Belarus

20. 08. 2020 - No Extradition to Belarus. - Release of our client was overdue. After several previous decisions on continued detention Berlin Higher Regional Court has revoked an extradition warrant based on an extradition request from Belarus.

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Higher Regional Court of Koblenz has suspended extradition warrant

Covid19 - German extradition warrant suspended

June 2020 - No Extradition to Croatia during corona pandemic - Release of our client from German prison, after Croatia informs that extraditions to Croatia are currently not to be carried out due to the corona pandemic.

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German Federal Constitutional Court (2 BvR 237/18) on extradition to Hungary

no German extradition arrest warrant on the basis of Czech Republic`s extradition request

04. 03. 2019 - Extradition to Czech Republic - judgement in absentia - Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court rejects issuing of an extradition arrest warrant

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in this case integration works better in Germany

no extradition to Poland

22. 02. 2019 - Higher Regiomal Court Cologne / Germany refuses extradition to Poland

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medical care in prison may not be sufficient

no extradition to England

15.04.2019 - Higher Regional Court Munich: Medical care in UK-prison may not be sufficient 

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24.09.19 - Actually no more sensation: Higher regional court Hamm rejects extradition to Romania

No extradition to Romania

04. 09. 2019 - Actually no more sensation: Higher Regional Court in Hamm / Germany rejects extradition to Romania 

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countries abusing the search via Interpol

Interpol stops police search

12. 07. 2019 - German extradition lawyer on the "Commission for the Control of Interpol`s Files". The Russian Federation`s international arrest warrant against our client has been deleted from the Interpol database by the "Interpol General Secretariat".

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German Federal Constitutional Court (2 BvR 237/18) on extradition to Hungary

extradition to Hungary - success with constitutional complaint

16.08. 2018 - German Federal Constitutional Court on extradition to Hungary

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Extradition rejected despite  arrest warrant from Russia

OLG Cologne: No extradition to Russia

26.01.2018 - Arrest warrant from Russia – but Higher Regional Court in Cologne refuses extradition 

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poor conditions of detention in the Republic of Belarus

no extradition to Belarus

24.10.2018 - Higher Regional Court Munich: no extradition because of poor detention conditions in Belarus

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extradition averted - Turkish authorities could not answer the Court's questions

no extradition to Turkey

Court in Cologne / Germany cancels extradition arrest warrant

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Extradition lawyer with constitutional complaint

Poland / Success at German Federal Constitutional Court

despite European Arrest Warrant from Poland, no extradition 

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despite European Arrest Warrant: Successful application for interim relief against the extradition of a German to Belgium based on EAW

Belgium / German Federal Constitutional Court's Order

extradition lawyer wins at Constitutional Court, which issued a preliminary injunction

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Extradition requests fom UAE are frequently based on accusations of cheque fraud

UAE - No extradition to the United Arab Emirates

In August 2017 the Frankfurt/Main General Public Prosecutor's Office has in two cases refused extradition to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and released our clients from custody.

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Extradition rejected despite European arrest warrant from UK

UK / German extradition lawyer wins in Hamm / Germany

European arrest warrant – but no extradition from Germany to UK

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extradition lawyer wins at Higher Regional Court Oldenburg / Germany, absence judgment from Italy, extradition was averted

Italy I - absence judgment - extradition averted

extradition lawyer wins at Higher Regional Court Oldenburg / Germany

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release from prison after extradition from the Netherlands based on EAW

Netherlands / cancellation of a German arrest-warrant

extradition lawyer - arrest warrant lifted

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European Arrest Warrant, but German lawyer avoids extradition from England

England / Court in Cologne quashes arrest warrant

European Arrest Warrant, but no extradition from England, extradition advocate avoids arrest

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successful constitutional complaint

Belgium / German Federal Constitutional Court

Dr. Rademacher`s constitutional complaint was successful. 

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problem of double jeopardy

USA - OLG Cologne refuses extradition

Extradition advocate avoids arrest from the beginning - while Cologne Higher Regional Court (6 AuslA 9/11 - 1) had to deal in detail with the prohibition of double punishment. 

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Court rejects extradition request from Thailand

Thailand / Extradition lawyer wins in Cologne

no extradition to Thailand on the basis of an international arrest warrant 

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Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf lifted arrest warrant

Belgium / Success after interim injunction

after interim injunction at the Federal Constitutional Court: Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf lifted arrest warrant

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“All you know about luck for certain is that it`s bound to change.” (Bret Harte 1836-1902)

Turkey / Cancellation of extradition request

Interpol in Ankara, the Turkish authorities withdrew its extradition request 

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extradition to Romania averted

Romania / No extradition based on EAW

public prosecutor in Frankfurt closed the proceedings concerning our client despite the European arrest warrant

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extradition to Italy averted

Italy II / No extradition

Finally we were able avert the extradition of our client to Italy.

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last minute: imminent extradition to Poland averted

Poland II / extradition lawyer wins at Highest German Court

the Federal Constitutional Court granted our application for a provisional injunction

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Imminent extradition to Sweden averted

Sweden I - extradition lawyer wins In Frankfurt

The Higher Regional Court (OLG) in Frankfurt (2 AuslA 202/17) revoke the extradition warrant against our client after three weeks. 

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extradition to Italy averted - OLG Düsseldorf overturns extradition warrant

Italy III / No extradition too

Again we were able avert the extradition of our client to Italy - case of prohibition of double jeopardy

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Information on individual countries

We provide legal background information, case law and references to the human rights situation in the following countries. We update the information constantly, but ask you to ask us again before you make the information the basis for a decision, because the situation with regard to individual countries can change at short notice.

Please click on the respective country for the corresponding country information...

Please call us on +49 (0) 211 1718380 or email us at duesseldorf@ra-anwalt.de to find out how we can help you.

Our firm maintains a 24 Hour Emergency Line +49(0)172-2112373 or +49(0)172-7056055

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