News Section

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For more than twenty years now, we have been representing clients in extradition procedures and international criminal proceedings. We have acquired expertise and experience in two decades and we're trying to improve our expertise every day.

20. März 2018

Extradition to Belgium - a spotlight

Higher Regional Court of Cologne / Germany concerns, that detention conditions in Belgium do not always meet minimum standards, as European Court of Human Rights sentenced Belgium for inadequate prison conditions before 

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24. Oktober 2017

Auslieferung nach Polen - Europäischer Haftbefehl - Bundesverfassungsgericht gibt unserem Eilantrag statt

Auslieferung nach Polen - Europäischer Haftbefehl - Bundesverfassungsgericht gibt unserem Eilantrag statt.
Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat erneut einem Eilantrag stattgegeben, den wir gegen die Auslieferung eines deutschen Staatsangehörigen an Polen gestellt haben (2 BvR 468/16 Beschluss vom 9. März 2016?). Angegriffen haben wir eine Entscheidung des Kammergerichts Berlin, das vorher die Auslieferung aufgrund Europäischen Haftbefehls voreilig für zulässig erklärt hatte.

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24. August 2017

Sweden - Intrigues have led to arrest

Sweden clarifies alleged child abduction

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1. Juni 2017

Hungary, poor conditions of detention, extradition "currently" inadmissible

Poor conditions of imprisonment in Hungary.The Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe  gives priority to the guarantee of human dignity (Art. 1 of the German Basic Law), which was also declared firm for integration by the Federal Constitutional Court in the application of European Union law or regulations determined by Union law.

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31. Mai 2017

Albania - Italy recognises Albanian criminal sentence

Most legal systems recognise the right not to be prosecuted or punished again for an offence that has already been judged with final judgment. Prohibition of double jeopardy ...

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Zeige 16 - 20 von 29 Artikel


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